So Everyone Goes Home as Safe & Healthy as They Arrived
It isn’t just our priority as a company. It doesn’t only start at the top. It’s more than part of every employee’s training and development. The health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce, customers, suppliers and the public is everyone’s job. It is the basis of our corporate culture.
The Crupi Group Approach to
Health & Safety
Protection of all customers, employees, contractors and the public, from injury or occupational
disease, is our primary objective.
We are committed to operating in a socially
responsible manner with a dedication to
preserving the environment in every possible

Awarded the prestigious Trillium Environmental Award at all our asphalt plants. This award recognizes Ontario asphalt plants that go above and beyond the already “gold” standard required under stringent environmental requirements by the Ministry of Environment across the hot mix asphalt plant industry.
Every year we divert hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete rubble from landfill that is recycled for use on road construction jobs. This also reduces our reliance on aggregates mined from non-renewable resources and reduces impacts of transportation from remote areas.
We continually look for new ways to reduce energy use at all our plants with innovative, energy-efficient programs, and developing environmentally friendly products by recycling responsibly using industry best practices.